Sunday, October 26, 2014

Delightful Discoveries Happen Daily

Adorable stuffed toys don’t do it. A squeaky-squishy earns only mild interest. But young Cudi gets excited when a tennis ball bounces. He jumps high to make skillful grabs, then parades around proudly with each catch, changing a round of fetch into a keep-away game. By the way, Cudi figured out a hidden-treats puzzle in less than a minute. Learning more about habits of rescued pets here can be fun or surprising. 

More examples are: Tiny Calvin isn’t at all afraid of larger or tall people. Sandy the Shepherd tries to fit on a lap. Blind Benny greets strangers confidently. The Pointer-mix sisters are calmer and steal kisses when separated. Giant Titus is gentle and quiet.  Sweet, small Sadie and Lucky don’t mind wearing costumes. Furthermore, Dutch, Luke and Kai get along fine with cats. 

Speaking of cats, we now know Missy likes tummy rubs — unusual for felines. Coco will go crazy with moving feathers. Curious Marcela balances on narrow window sills with ease. Keyatee asks to be petted. Also, Angela and Bobby have become head-rubbing buddies. 
– LK, volunteer

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7507 Deering Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91303
Office & Message: (818) 340-1687/1186
Viewing & Office Hours: 1:00 to 5:00, 6 days a week (closed Mondays)

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Friday, October 10, 2014

JOIN US at the BARK IN THE PARK, OCT. 11th, 2014 EVENT!

Be Sure to Stop by our Booth!
Don’t miss this chance to see some of our wonderful, available dogs! It’s the perfect opportunity to meet a match, and learn more about our rescue. This Saturday (Oct. 11), we’ll bring a group to the annual “Bark in the Park” event in Thousand Oaks from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Small canines who will be on-site include chihuahuas/chi mixes named Lucky, Clyde, Bonnie, Harley, Harper and Chafiro, along with fuzzy and friendly Terrier mixes Rudolph and Boomer.

The impressive variety of little dogs also will feature Larry the Miniature Pinscher, Ryan the mini poodle, Sadie the Cairn Terrier, Chloe (Dachshund mix), as well as a wavy-haired Spaniel mix called Banjo. A volunteer who has been training Buster (Lhasa Apso/Corgi) is ready to answer questions about him and show some of his skills.

Medium-sized dogs that people can get to know are Tilly the Pitbull, Leah the sweet Siberian Husky, Tanner the exuberant Wheaten mix, plus one of three white-and-black Pointer sisters who need homes. Visitors are welcome, and inquiries are gladly received. If you can’t make it, please come to our regular, permanent location where the afore-mentioned orphans reside -- in addition to many more pets who are looking for forever guardians. – LK, volunteer

EVENT:  Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 - 11:00am–3:00pm at Conejo Creek  North - 1379 E. JANSS ROAD • THOUSAND OAKS, CA.
Pet Adoption Fund > Back to Home Page
7507 Deering Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91303
Office & Message: (818) 340-1687/1186
Viewing & Office Hours: 1:00 to 5:00, 6 days a week (closed Mondays)

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