Friday, February 7, 2014

Terrific Twosome Seek Real Kindness, Forever Family

    It’s not easy to overcome being miserable, mistreated and misunderstood for a long time. Just ask Dolby and Gina, Akita mixes who seem unsure of what toys are and behave wary around new people. If this attractive pair could talk, they may share a sad story of always being scared of their first owner then always tied up by the second. Criticism was constant, barking led to smacks on the head, and escaping was a desperate way of searching for better lives. Gina went missing for a full month once, before miraculously reappearing in the backyard.
     After initially brought to us due to a move, then returned some years later because the next adopter lost her house, both dogs were petrified — especially the girl. The sister and brother, also named Bubba and Sweet Pea in the past, preferred hiding behind things or crouching in corners to walking on-leash or interacting with volunteers. They’ve since made progress, but must stay together and do require experienced guardians/handlers. Also, no small pets, please.
     Happiness is when these dogs dance around or stand on their rear toes, anticipating exploration of the neighborhood. They walk very well in sync with and alongside each other, often drawing attention and compliments. For fun, they jump on and tug each other’s hair when someone familiar approaches. Treats, brushing sessions and soft bedding are enjoyable offerings. To find out more or to meet this wonderful guy and gal, call or visit soon! We hope a match is made during this month that has a theme of finding true love. Watch their video! The link is: pet/5897151-canoga-park-california-akita-mix                 
- L.K., volunteer

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