Friday, July 19, 2013

Famished, Frightened Feline Family Found

"Marmalade, Tangerine and Mango"
We named the mama "Sweetness"
Who knows how long they were in there? From a distance, the big dog crate in a parking lot seemed to be a discarded, empty box in the afternoon heat. Upon a closer look, tiny and weak meows were heard. A peek inside revealed a small, scared mama cat with three kittens, huddled together on piles of dirt, excrement and mold. It breaks the hearts of animal lovers to see innocent creatures experience such horrible conditions.  After a transition to clean and comfy quarters, the grateful group quickly finished fresh food and water.
Sadly, this was not an isolated incident for Pet Adoption Fund. It wasn’t the first, and won’t be the last. That's why funds must always be available. We now need donations to treat these recent rescues, who must be examined by a vet, given shots, fixed, dewormed, tested for health issues, etc.

Please help us help them by going to the link below to make a donation through PayPal.  No amount is too small.  Please include a note, or mention “kitty family.”  Checks can be mailed to the address listed below.  Thank you in advance.
> DONATE        LK, volunteer

... SAVED from this awful situation!

Pet Adoption Fund > Back to Home Page
7507 Deering Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91303

Office & Message: (818) 340-1687/1186
Viewing & Office Hours: 1:00 to 5:00, 6 days a week (closed Mondays)
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Friday, July 12, 2013

FUNDS NEEDED for youngster's essential lessons

Like most puppies, Shammy has been both playful and naughty. His silly antics include sticking his face in the water bucket, picking up then tossing toys or bowls, and zooming around excitedly. Other habits include pushing aside his doggy roommates to greet people, jumping up on visitors and sometimes pulling on their clothes, arms or legs. We now know why this adorable Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler boy is extra-challenged by obedience efforts: He is deaf. Hearing-impaired dogs are still highly trainable. They can learn body language/facial expressions, hand signals, certain touches and other strategies. Of course, success will take patience and commitment.
Please assist this very important effort to offer precious Shammy some specialized instruction ASAP! We can tell he's eager to please, loves attention and always wants to be a part of things. So matching Shammy's energy with directed behavior is the goal! Both breeds in his background have a history of herding instinct—the natural desire to move livestock by nipping at their heels, which may extend to other pets/animals or even children. Channeling Shammy's activity level in a positive way will definitely increase his adoptability.

Please help us help him by going to the link below to make a donation through PayPal.  No amount is too small.  Please include a note, or mention “Shammy."  Checks can be mailed to the address listed below.  > DONATE        
Thank you on behalf of our little guy Shammy.  Please view his video at


Pet Adoption Fund > Back to Home Page
7507 Deering Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91303
Office & Message: (818) 340-1687/1186
Viewing & Office Hours: 1:00 to 5:00, 6 days a week (closed Mondays)
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